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Drs. Michael and Mary Shapiro

Dr. Michael Shapiro currently serves as the Director of Behavioral Medicine at Duke Medical School’s Southern Regional Area Health Education Center, where he helps train young physicians and provides patient care through the Family Medicine Clinic. Dr. Mary Shapiro is the Director of the ADHD Clinic at the same facility, where she specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, behavior disorders, and other childhood conditions. Together, they have lectured extensively–both domestically and abroad–on topics related to child psychology, parenting, marriage, adoption and mental health issues in a Christian context.

Helping Parents when Children Need Help

This will be about helping parents get through their own inevitable spiritual crises when their children are diagnosed with a behavioral or developmental disorder. Feeling guilty, blaming God, feeling as if they have failed when they need to draw on non-Christian resources, feeling as if they need to compromise their own convictions in the name of "acceptance"; all of these reactions are valid, likely, and need to be dealt with in a sensitive manner by Christian mental health professionals.

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